If you are interested in becoming a member of the group please contact the Membership Secretary, Helen Varley, via email membership@threecorneredcopse.org.uk.For general enquiries please email info@threecorneredcopse.org.uk.If you have a matter of concern regarding activities in Three Cornered Copse, e.g. obstructions to the bridleway/footpaths, unsafe trees, fly-tipping, anti-social activities, waste bins etc. your best course of action is to contact the Brighton & Hove Cityparks team directly, as they are responsible for the management of the Copse. The Friends are volunteers who care about and maintain the copse under the guidance of Cityparks.If you do contact Cityparks, please feel free to email info@threecorneredcopse.org.uk the details, so we can monitor the level of queries on key issues.